Robots automation maintenance service

Case Study Real Estate

400% Year-One ROI in Real Estate through Automation

Case Study

Real Estate Automation

Being southern Europe’s largest real estate servicing company does not come without its technological challenges, as our client, the industry leader based out of Barcelona, found out. Operating a portfolio of over 250,000 properties requires some serious administrative muscle, and whilst outsourcing some of the work to third parties a few years ago helped, it didn’t come without its own new challenges (lack of accountability, rigid BPO contracts preventing agility) and covering the vast, yet mission-critical work needed to run such a large portfolio of properties smoothly is no easy feat. 

Furthermore, in a highly-competitive industry, where property investors expect the very best from their servicing firms, and will certainly go elsewhere if they don’t receive it, there is little room for human error. Errors that can be caused by something as simple as typing or double-keying in legacy applications can mean not chasing rent arrears in a timely manner, or failing to reconcile rent payments accurately.

This is where Nugawi stepped in, over a year-long period we created 15 automations (bots) that revolutionized the way our client ran its property portfolio. These bots are responsible for reconciling payments (and critically, missed payments) between the bank’s portal and SAP R3 (Real Estate edition), triggered bad debt procedures when relevant, generating monthly invoices for rent as well as utilities, and handling critical aspects of the tenancy process. A blip or a mistake can be costly for tenants as well as clients and the business. Additionally, business growth was beginning to be constrained by third party costs in a highly competitive market, with direct accountability to clients also suffering as a result.

rpa implementation

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Book a free assessment and we’ll prepare an pre-audit of your business to help you automate your tasks.

Nugawi Automation​

We help clients to free the human capital trapped in manual and repetitive tasks, leaving them with a durable internal automation adapted to the needs of their company.

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About Us


Headquarters: Twickenham, UK

Devolopment Center: Jilotepec, México